Milan Bez Mapy

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The Night Before The Christmas in Oslo

People walking through streets of cold Oslo. Christmas decorations sold here. Christmas tree welcoming people in Oslo Central Station. If you didn't have time to buy some christmas presents, you can still do so. Clock in the port. Finally, Christmas...

European Parliament Elections Notice In 7 Languages

I found this European Parliament election notice in my post box this morning. Just casual notice, I thought. Then I saw, it is written in 7 languages and three of them I couldn't recognize. The first...

Disgusting! This is how Thai giant millipedes look like.

Friend of mine went to Thailand and sent me this pic of giant millipede he discovered in hotel's garden in Bangkok. When I saw it at first, I was shocked how big it is, but then...

Dubai – The City Of Movement

Dubai is fast growing city. Lately it became the symbol of rich and famous, money, oil and vacations as well. We all know Dubai like the place of skyscrapers, long beaches, fast cars and everyone...

Photo Tuesday – The People Of Morocco

Guys riding motorcycle in streets of Marrakech Man selling cold beverages for tourists in Atlas mountains People watching children playing in waves Man near Ourika Valley presenting traditional crafts for visitors People celebrating the end of Ramadan on the...

Fly Emirates – World’s Best Airline For 2013 Review

Have you ever flown with Emirates airlines? The airline that have been awarded as world's best airline, presented by Skytrax at the World Airline Award for 2013? The airline people want to travel with or be...

Photo Tuesday – Around Lithuania

On the car ferry from the town of Klaipéda to Kursiu Nerija national park Sand dunes near the holiday town Nida close to borders with Russia The Hill of Crosses near city of Šiauliai, in northern Lithuania People waiting...

Bran Castle in Transylvania – Dracula’s mysterious place

This place was definitely this aim of our journey around Romania, the place with many legends and the real jewel of Romania's architecture - Bran Castle in Transylvania, the castle soaring high above the village which...

Photo Tuesday – Summer In Paris In 5 photos

Parc des Buttes Chaumont The Eiffel Tower The shadow of the Eiffel Tower The view from Sacre Coeur Basilica Parc de la Villette Milan Bardun 2014



Zrušili mi let, no Ryanair kompenzácia stále nikde. Takto to riešim.

Ryanair kompenzácia? Všetci sme už čítali môj článok o tom, ako na kompenzáciu za zrušený alebo zmeškaný let. Ako je to ale v prípade Ryanair?...

Hotel Atrium Vysoké Tatry & recenzia môjho pobytu v Novom Smokovci

Hotel Atrium vo Vysokých Tatrách v Novom Smokovci, som si vyskúšal začiatkom leta na dve noci s plnou penziou. Naplno som otestoval všetko, čo...

Pláž Waikiki a 9 fotiek, ktoré ti ukážu bežný deň na Havaji

Pláž Waikiki je jednoznačne najznámejšia svetová pláž. Prečo? To netuším no mala tu dokonca koncert aj Britney Spears priamo na pláži. Pláž Waikiki som...

Potrebujem cestovné poistenie či stačí Európsky zdravotný preukaz?

Európsky zdravotný preukaz alebo cestovné poistenie? “Ja mám preukaz poistenca, ja nepotrebujem cestovné poistenie”. Toto je najčastejší argument, ktorý čítam od čitateľov v komentároch k...

Návšteva Mosteckého jazera a čo vidieť v meste Most

Návšteva Mosteckého jazera? Poďme do Čiech. Pod vrchom Hněvín, na úplnom severe Čiech, leží relatívne nové jazero, Most, ktoré vzniklo zatopením bývalého kráľovského mesta...
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