Najnovšie blogy

Once Upon a Time in Bucharest

Romania is a destination, which many people have prejudices about. I heard a lot of them before I left here, and if I told someone that I'm about to go to Romania for a week, the common response was...

Norwegian airlines WiFi – 1st to get you online

To connect to the internet via WiFi (wireless connection) is possible almost everywhere nowadays. In public transportation, every cafe or restaurant. Lately there is a possibility to stay online even on board of planes, which is...

Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum in Kiev

The history of Ukraine is and ever will be affected by Chernobyl disaster, that happened on April 26th in 1986. This disaster shocked the whole world and made a lot of people thinking about the safety of...

Kyjev, gold and potatoes.

The capital of Ukraine, Kiev with almost three millions of residents is largest city of Ukraine. The name is made from name Kyj, what in translation means "belonging to Kyj, Kyj's". We arrived here right...

Užhorod a vlakom naprieč Ukrajinou

V poslednej dobe často skloňovaná Ukrajina je ozajstným nedoceneným cestovateľským pôžitkom. Charakteristická architektúra, dostupnosť a neporovnateľne nižšie ceny sú dôvodmi, kvôli ktorým sem ročne prichádzajú turisti z celého sveta. Ukrajina vie ponúknuť piesočnaté pláže, svieži...

Paris Catacombs – World’s Scariest Place

Paris is clearly the city of lovers and the city, where you spend more than in Dubai or New York city. It is the travel dream of millions of people all over the world and...


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