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#o mne
Photo Tuesday – Around Lithuania
Milan Bez Mapy
29. apríla 2014
On the car ferry from the town of Klaipéda to Kursiu Nerija national park Sand dunes near the holiday town Nida close to borders with Russia The...
Bran Castle in Transylvania – Dracula’s mysterious place
Milan Bez Mapy
27. apríla 2014
This place was definitely this aim of our journey around Romania, the place with many legends and the real jewel of Romania's architecture - Bran...
Photo Tuesday – Summer In Paris In 5 photos
Milan Bez Mapy
22. apríla 2014
Parc des Buttes Chaumont The Eiffel Tower The shadow of the Eiffel Tower The view from Sacre Coeur Basilica Parc de la Villette Milan Bardun 2014
Brasov – The Heart Of Transylvania
Milan Bez Mapy
20. apríla 2014
Romania is very rich in the meaning of wonderful cities and architecture. On your visit do not miss Brasov, a city located only 160 kilometers...
Once Upon a Time in Bucharest
Milan Bez Mapy
13. apríla 2014
Romania is a destination, which many people have prejudices about. I heard a lot of them before I left here, and if I told someone that I'm about...
Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum in Kiev
Milan Bez Mapy
30. marca 2014
The history of Ukraine is and ever will be affected by Chernobyl disaster, that happened on April 26th in 1986. This disaster shocked the...
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