Summer In The USA with Camp Leaders


Milan Bez Mapy, travel bloger, ktorý od roku 2013 trhá Slovákov z kancelárskych stoličiek. Autor knihy Influencer a blogu Bez Mapy s takmer dvoma miliónmi prečítaniami ročne. Dvojnásobný víťaz Social Awards a podľa Forbes jeden z TOP 10 influencerov na Slovensku.

Milan Bez Mapy

bloger & spisovateľ

There are plenty of agencies offering you to spend your ‚best summer ever‘ in United States of America. They may look different, but at the end it is all about the same – you in the USA. They may differ with programmes they offer and prices of programmes, which is probably the most important information for you, when you’re about to decide. I have experienced Camp Leaders Slovakia and I want to share my opinion about this company with all people, who can’t decide or looking for some relevant information.

Programme Work&Travel is programme for students studying on universities. Thanks to Work&Travel, you, as student can travel to USA, stay there, work and then travel for 30 days around the country. The work can be different, you can work in hotel, summer camp, resort and so on. Friend of mine was working in beach bar, another one worked in summer camp and I have some friends who worked in hotel in Florida.

When you are going to USA, you might have your job already, or not. This depends on the company you choose. With Camp Leaders, you go to USA with job contract already, so you don’t have to look for it after you arrive. I find it more convenient this way, but there are people, who prefer searching for it on the place. Depends on you. When you apply for job in camp, you don’t have to worry about anything. All you need to do is just wait, since you’re not looking for the employer. The employer is looking for you according to the information you provide about yourself online. Why have I chosen Camp Leaders? Because of low administration fee. As first timer applicant, I paid 50€ for administration, 350€ as grant for flight and 120€ for visa interview. So my total costs were 520€. This fees can be different according to the time you apply, but I applied very late, so it could be less. But never mind. I applied for job in camp,  but you can apply for working in resort, as well.

To apply just visit Camp Leaders website and register. Soon after this, you will receive phone call with invitation for video interview. This interview is short, takes maximum of 10 minutes and you will be questioned about your skills, hobbies, background, about yourself and so on. If you’re not native, they will check your English as well. After this video interview, they will write report about you and you can find it in your profile. One another thing, you will be required to fill your online profile, what is not that simple. Camp Leaders staff will send you manual how to do that, so don’t worry. If you want to, you can make an introduction video about you and this will help you to find your job, but it’s not mandatory. I have done it and I love this video! There’s lot of paperwork connected with obtaining your visa, you will have to prove your police check, some school stuff, biometric passport and some other documents. They will tell you everything.

Your profile is what your future employer see, so make sure you have filled it correctly with any misspellings and mistakes. Once you apply and finish your profile, it become visible for employers all over states. Once you are chosen, you will receive and email and your visa obtaining can begin. You employer may want to talk to you via Skype, but he may not as well. Mine haven’t. Contact him, unless he didn’t contact you already and ask for your contract. This is very important, without signed contract Camp Leaders can’t ask for your visa. There will be some internet registrations for your DS 2019 paper, but don’t freak out. All needed instructions will be provided to you on the right time. On your contract, there will be an information with date, when your work starts. Camp Leaders will book your flight, so you can make it on time. The date when you want to come back home after work is up to you. All you have to do is request return flight in online system and they will take care of that.

Approximately one month before your departure, you will be required to attend preparation day. There will be more preparation days in cities around you, so you are free to book one day and show up there, since it’s mandatory. On this preparation day you will meet with another applicants, you will receive your visa (if you already passed visa interview on US embassy) and your flight ticket. You will receive J1 visa, which is visa for work and travel participants. Before you get your visa, you will have to go to US embassy in your country for interview. This will take whole day, since you won’t be the only one there. You will be questioned about your work, will get some necessary information and will receive your SEVIS paper which is very important. This will be your first touch with United States, so get your English ready.

As Work&Travel participant, now you have 30 days to travel around states. I’m about to spend my whole salary like most of the people here. Flights in USA are pretty cheap, but still, book it in advance. Camp Leaders will provide you travel booklet with tips what to see, where to stay and so on. I find this very helpful. If you want to leave USA during this 30 days period (it’s called grace period) make sure you obtain another type of visa in order to come back to USA, or if you’re from VWP country (visa waiver programme) apply for ESTA, since your J1 become invalid, once you leave country and you can’t enter the country on them.

I was really satisfied with this company, I didn’t have any problem and everything was OK. They talked to me, answered to my questions and were patient, since I had lot of questions. Camp Leaders staff are young people as you are, all of them spent their summer in USA, as well, so they can help you with anything. I received all materials from them, all manuals how to fill paperwork and they answered my emails almost immediately. They were and still are treating me more like friend, not as client. During my stay here, I got visit from Camp Leaders America and they asked me if everything goes OK, if I have no problems or if there’s something I want to talk about, so even when you’re in America already, they still care about you, which is highly appreciated.

It’s hard to think about what I didn’t like, since I’m fully satisfied. Professional individual attitude to each client make this company one of the best, the one you don’t have to worry to believe. Thousands of satisfied clients is the sign of quality.

Once you have all you need, just say bye to your family and board the plane to America! You will experience unforgettable summer of your lifetime. If you’re about to decide which company to trust, Camp Leaders is reliable and you don’t have to worry about anything. They were suggested to me by my friend, and now I suggest Camp Leaders to you! I wrote this article during my stay in USA in summer camp, and it’s the best summer ever! Thank you Camp Leaders!

Milan Bardun 2014, because it’s better to travel than to arrive

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