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Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

Many things in United Arab Emirates are specific for some reason, some are biggest in the world, the others tallest and some most expensive. During my stay in this part of the world, I have...

Photo Tuesday – Swedish Winter

Typical wooden garages in red color. City - Nyköping. Small port in Nyköping, frozen in winter completely. Varning för snöras - the snow warning Me feeding hungry birds in Stockholm. This ship didn't make it. People skating in the centre of Stockholm. Milan...

Burj Khalifa – The Top Of The World

Since technologies are forwarding with the fast of the light, our world is keep changing. What we see today, we would be probably burned for,  if we talked about it one hundred years ago. People...

The Night Before The Christmas in Oslo

People walking through streets of cold Oslo. Christmas decorations sold here. Christmas tree welcoming people in Oslo Central Station. If you didn't have time to buy some christmas presents, you can still do so. Clock in the port. Finally, Christmas...

European Parliament Elections Notice In 7 Languages

I found this European Parliament election notice in my post box this morning. Just casual notice, I thought. Then I saw, it is written in 7 languages and three of them I couldn't recognize. The first...

Disgusting! This is how Thai giant millipedes look like.

Friend of mine went to Thailand and sent me this pic of giant millipede he discovered in hotel's garden in Bangkok. When I saw it at first, I was shocked how big it is, but then...


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