
INDONÉZIA, krajina povinne dobrovoľných poplatkov

Rád cestujem do krajín, ktoré sú menej rozvinuté, kde ľudia žijú jednoduchšími životmi než my na stresu plnom západe. Cestovanie do takýchto krajín má...

Passport Thoughts 1: Indonesia or In-DONATION-ia?

I love travelling to the countries, which are less developed, where people live more simple lives, than those living in stressful Western world. Travelling...

The Evening In The Desert

Imagine standing on the sand, listening to the impressive sounds of Arabic traditional music and watching the sun as goes down. Tasting the fresh...

Abu Dhabi doo!

Charlotte: "How do you tip in Abu Dhabi?" Carrie: "I don't know, do you have any loose rubies?" Thanks to the movie "Sex And The City II", many...

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

Many things in United Arab Emirates are specific for some reason, some are biggest in the world, the others tallest and some most expensive....

Burj Khalifa – The Top Of The World

Since technologies are forwarding with the fast of the light, our world is keep changing. What we see today, we would be probably burned...

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