Christmas Markets in DUBLIN, Ireland


Milan Bez Mapy, travel bloger, ktorý od roku 2013 trhá Slovákov z kancelárskych stoličiek. Autor knihy Influencer a blogu Bez Mapy s takmer dvoma miliónmi prečítaniami ročne. Dvojnásobný víťaz Social Awards a podľa Forbes jeden z TOP 10 influencerov na Slovensku.

Milan Bez Mapy

bloger & spisovateľ

Christmas markets are popular events in many cities around the world, people gather to enjoy tasty food and spend time together. These markets vary depending of the culture and traditions and I had an opportunity to visit Christmas markets in Dublin, Ireland during this winter. How was it like and where to go to enjoy it the most?

Dublin on Christmas is an amazing place to go, where the Christmas atmosphere „screams“ at you from everywhere, from the streets with decorations, super markets with discounts or pubs with special deals. Christmas connects all people of Dublin to the one group of kind people, who enjoy the most beautiful time of the year. Although, there were no snow while my stay but I did not miss it, at all. All the lights, music and cute elfs in Santa’s costume made me to forget about the snow and I felt the Christmas are coming either way!

Christmas markets in Dublin attract an additional 600 000 visitors and create almost 160 seasonal jobs (1). According to Dublin made it to the amazing 6th place in the list of the best Christmas markets in the Europe (2), the winner was Barcelona.

Christmas markets Dublin food

roast pig smells across the stalls


If you are expecting Christmas markets, where traditional handmade products are to be found together with tasty food, sweets and unhealthy snacks, Dublin is the right place to go.  As in many cities around the Europe and World, also in Dublin there are plenty of stalls with kind sellers who are wiling to give you free samples or sell you their products. It is Christmas time and you will feel that kindness all over the town, whether you are just walking down the streets or drinking hot wine next to the stalls.

Christmas markets Dublin

entering Christmas markets next to the St.Stephen’s Green Park 


Dublin is really beautiful on Christmas and if you are struggling with hot wine or some sweets or sausages, definitely go to St.Stephen Green Park, which is located in southern part of the Old Town. There is around 20 stalls where you can find anything from sausages to massage coupons, but mostly it’s about food. Surprisingly, I was disappointed that these stalls weren’t located straight in the park but on the street next to it, so get ready for squeezing with other hungry visitors or Dubliners, haha. I guess it’s because of opening hours of the park, never mind. The prices are okay, comparable to the other cities, not low but not over-priced. My feelings from this place were, hmm, not so overwhelming. Yes, this place isn’t as exciting, as it may seem at the first time and I really missed the idea of Christmas markets located in the quiet park, but the food was great 😉

Dublin christmas market

the guy preparing delicious food on the pan, which smells good and attracts people

Dublin Christmas marketGeorge’s docks is very popular and high visited place where traditional Christmas markets are happening year by year. These docks can be found at the northern side of the Liffer river, the river that flows through Dublin. The entrance is free and markets are located literally on the docks on the water, so if you are scared of water like my friend from Ireland (what a irony) avoid this place 😀 Stalls aren’t different from those at St.Stephen’s Green, but the atmosphere here is more „noisy“. To keep people in the good mood, there are performances of bands and dancers, which entertain people and the schedule of these performances can be found here.

Dublin Christmas treeThe Christmas Tree is must-have in every Christmas town, isn’t it? The Christmas tree I have seen in Dublin was the most amazing Christmas tree ever! Even better, than in my hometown. You can find this giant O’Connell Street, very close to the river, walking towards out of the town. The Christmas tree was lighted up on 30th of November at 3.30pm (15:30) this year, by the Lord Mayor Christy Bukre, which is Dublin’s Lord Mayor (3).

Dublin Christmas Markets

Dublin on Christmas really made a lot of smiles on my face and left positive thoughts of this city in my mind. I find this city very warm after my visit, even though the temperatures were pretty low while my stay. There are many Christmas lights around the old town and Christmas markets, where you can enjoy sweets or drinks. There is something for everyone. But as I’m thinking now, while writing these words, only one thing was missing – Santa 😀

Milan Bardun – because it is better to travel, than to arrive






    • Thank you Michael, my next trip to Ireland will take place somewhere out of the town, on the countryside. Friend of mine lives there and says, that the countryside of Ireland is even more interesting than Dublin.

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