
7 Tipov Ako Prežiť Cestovnie

Cestovanie nie je vždy len o zábave, vylihovaní na pláži s Mojitom v ruke či otravovní letušky v lieadle do Miami. Niekedy môžu nastať...

7 Tips How To Beat Homesickness

Traveling is not only about having fun, sitting on the beach with mojito or bothering stewardess on the plane to Miami to get extra...

Ten pocit, keď vám príde email, že vás o chvíľu zasiahne hurikán…

Len tak ležím na posteli, a hľadám si spôsob, ako sa zabaviť nakoľko nemám nič iné na práci. Povedali mi, že sa blíži hurikán,...

When They Tell You The Hurricane Is Coming

I'm just lying on my bed and writing these words, since I have nothing else to do. I was told, that the hurricane is...

European Celebrating The Independence Day In USA

The Independence day is probably one of the most important day in United States of America and pretty known worldwide, thanks to the movie...

Low Fat America

Before I came to America, I was kind of worried about food. We all know, how Americans eat, what they drink and we all...

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