Few weeks ago I absolved lovely day trip to falls in Connecticut, in Kent Falls State Park. These falls are mostly known for local people and I must say, I've never heard of Kent Falls...
Čo vidieť v Bostone? Pred mojim výletom do Bostonu som sa rozprával s ľuďmi, ktorí tam už boli a skoro všetci mi povedali, že sa im Boston páčil oveľa viac ako napríklad New York. Vtedy...
Before my trip to Boston, I spoke to people who have been there before and most of them told me, that Boston is way better than New York city. I didn't understand it, but now,...
Ak sa neviete rozhodnúť, čo budete robiť budúce leto, skúste sa zamyslieť nad prácou v letnom tábore v USA. Ja som toto leto stráviť v tábore v štáte Connecticut a po tom všetkom môžem spokojne...
If you can't decide how or where to spend your summer, you may consider working in summer camp in the USA. I have spent two months working in camp in state of Connecticut and I...
If you can't decide how or where to spend your summer, you may consider working in summer camp in the USA. I have spent two months working in camp in state of Connecticut and I...