Najnovšie blogy

European Celebrating The Independence Day In USA

The Independence day is probably one of the most important day in United States of America and pretty known worldwide, thanks to the movie with same title, staring with Bruce Willis. I knew about the...

Low Fat America

Before I came to America, I was kind of worried about food. We all know, how Americans eat, what they drink and we all pretty know, how Americans think. Since I do sports , manage...

One Day In Bratislava (tips by local)

What is the best part of travel blogging? To take a day off in order to make some pictures of your home town and write few tips for the next post on your blog. As a local,...

The Evening In The Desert

Imagine standing on the sand, listening to the impressive sounds of Arabic traditional music and watching the sun as goes down. Tasting the fresh vegetables and food with various kind of spices. This is what...

Abu Dhabi doo!

Charlotte: "How do you tip in Abu Dhabi?" Carrie: "I don't know, do you have any loose rubies?" Thanks to the movie "Sex And The City II", many of you know this metropolis very well. Abu Dhabi is another...

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi

Many things in United Arab Emirates are specific for some reason, some are biggest in the world, the others tallest and some most expensive. During my stay in this part of the world, I have...


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